The Life You Have
You're going at it alone. You are plugging away at a 9-5. You don't feel like you've found your dream or passion. Goals feel unattainable. You feel like you are in a vacuum.
The Life You Want
You are part of a community. You find that big things are coming to you because of the network you are a part of. You get connected to trustworthy and reliable peers, who want the same thing as you. You feel stronger and you are ready to take on the world!
So what is it?
The Life Course is a series of exercises that help you uncover what you actually want out of life. It helps you set priorities and set a path to meet them.
The Life Course Process
If you have an unclear path ahead, this is the course that helps you clarify your journey!

You are here.
Take stock of where you are, what you have and what you value.

Identify the Destination.
What's your major goal? Who do you want to be? Have you crafted a vision?

Choose the Route.
What are the immediate steps you are going to take? What lifestyle changes will you make?

Know your KPIs.
How will you track your progress? What will success look like?
Hear it from Members of the Tribe

Mike M
I have been consistently guided by Kevin's industriousness and example.

Alex M.
Kevin got me from zero to hero on and off the pickleball court.

David O.
Within 60 days he helped me do a deal that more than covered the coaching fees.